Yes, you read right! Did you know if you host a group, you can travel for free?
When you plan a trip and meet the minimum number of guests necessary to travel with you, you get to travel without spending a dime. Imagine exploring new destinations with friends or like-minded travelers, all while saving money. 🏝️✈️
Are you apart of a group and want to plan a vacation, as a leader?
Types of Groups
- Sports groups
- Bachelor / Bachelorette parties
- Anniversaries
- Family reunions
- Special Interest groups
- Milestone Birthdays
- Church Group
- Cultural Group
- Senior Club
- Mom groups
- Gardening and Book Clubs
- University and Alumni Groups
- Work friends
- Weddings
There are many reasons why you may want to plan a group trip. Work with me and I will guide you through how you can organize a trip and travel for FREE!
Contact me to discuss the opportunities:
Note: Planning or managing fees may apply to custom itineraries and the management of large and complex groups
**REMINDER** Make sure everyone’s passports are valid for 6 months from your return date***