If you can dream it, I can plan it.

The power of a magnet

In life, sometimes we do things because we have to and sometimes are very lucky and we find ourselves doing the things that we love to do.

I love my #UrbanTraveler space.

I love my Instagram, this blog (though I know I should be posting more), my facebook page and especially my Twitter account.

I love talking about travel, helping people travel and obviously I am passionate about exploring the world but these quick pics I snapped mean so much to me!

Chez #WeAreTheGrants

Chez #WeAreTheGrants



While I was in NYC & Brooklyn this past weekend, I visited 3 friends’ house and had noticed my ‘Urban Traveler’ magnet was on their fridge/door.
It’s just a magnet and I know that but it really means the world to me to see it being used and displayed.

It reminds me that I’m doing something I love and that I have my friends support.

Looking at the magnet just makes me want to continue to share more and I look forward to revealing a few projects in the new year.
If anyone out there would like an ‘Urban Traveler’ magnet, I’ll ship it for free (domestic and international of course!). All I ask is that you take a pic of it, let me know where you are based and send it to me so I can gather a collection 🙂
Email me at [email protected]

With gratitude,
